Strategic Communication and Critical Branding Research: Examining Issues of Race, Gender, and Culture
Extremely excited about our panel on “Strategic Communication and Critical Branding Research: Examining Issues of
To be recognized as a world-class media and strategic communication professor, scholar, consultant, and practitioner of African origin, by establishing an excellent teaching record, a remarkable service impact, and a first-rate research agenda that speaks to some of the deepest cutting multidisciplinary issues of today and tomorrow.
To be recognized as a world-class media and strategic communication professor, scholar, consultant, and practitioner of African origin, by establishing an excellent teaching record, a remarkable service impact, and a first-rate research agenda that speaks to some of the deepest cutting multidisciplinary issues of today and tomorrow.
Hello, and a very warm welcome to my website. I am glad you are here.
I am Eric Kwame Adae, Ph.D., APR., an Assistant Professor of Public Relations at Drake University, where I teach in both undergraduate and graduate public relations programs. I am also an accredited public relations professional.
On this website, you can find various resources and links relating to my research and publications, teaching, service, and other media mentions/appearances. I welcome your feedback, questions, comments, and suggestions.
Thank you.
"I believe that nothing great can happen without compelling communication. Always communicate with an open heart to give the needed edge to whatever you do."
Eric K. Adae Tweet
Find below selected news articles, features, and related published profiles on me.
Extremely excited about our panel on “Strategic Communication and Critical Branding Research: Examining Issues of
Ten professors will be presenting sessions throughout the day to keep you up-to-date on the latest skills we are teaching our students
Topic: CEO Activism – The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Eric Kwame Adae, a doctoral candidate at the University of Oregon, will join the SJMC faculty in the fall.
Eric Addae, President of Runathon Ghana Foundation, said his outfit was of the conviction that Ghana is capable of nurturing and producing world class long distance running talents within the medium term.
Assistant Professor Eric Kwame Adae, who was named the 2021 outstanding Iowa PR professional by the Iowa Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America during its annual PRIME Awards.
2507 University Ave Des Moines, IA 50311
Office: Meredith 110